Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting better

Taking my meds at 9pm seems to be the way to go. I slept well (after the nausea finished). Got up at 5.30 this morning and worked ok, came home about 4pm. Very wired at work, full of energy and that's just not me, I am usually pretty laid back.

Have reduced 1cm each from my bust and hips not great, but good. Have been to gym, will go again tomorrow. Working out well, have increased to 5 mins on the bike which is good, I will try the eliptical to see how I go.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Not good

Took my meds in the morning as they had made me wired when I took it at night. I was ok for a couple of hours then had to do an errand before workand went out, bu the time I did the errand and drove the 10mins to work I felt nauseous and light headed. Had to leave work before starting my shift and it took till about 5:30pm for me to feel better.

So I took my tablet about 9pm this evening hoping to get the nausea over with before I have to sleep. So far I feel like s***t but I have something to help me sleep. Will report tomorrow.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Have bought a scale so I know what I weigh

Weight 73kgs
Fat 42%
Water 42%

I have new Meds, Dr finally listened to me about the others making me fat.

Had a good workout at the gym, have not decided yet if I am going to keep going, I can do most of my workouts at home I just have to get some heavier dumbbells.

Will still Measure on Monday, I work shifts so weekends don't mean much.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Still going

So I am still working out and doing interval training. I have lost 1cm from my hips in a weak.

And mags if you think you are bad then get a load of me, and know why I am determined to change my imGE.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Starting out

Why have I entered this contest? First of all I have been dead lazy for the past 6 months. I put on 15kgs of fat in three months after going onto meds for depression, the meds block the message that I have eaten from the tum to the brain, so brain thinks it's starving slows down my metabolism and turns everything I eat to fat, and I felt starving so ate more.

I did take control of my food intake this time last year so I haven't put on any weight since then. I started going to the gym and kept that up till about June then I stopped going, thinking back I cut down my meds then and that could have had a lot to do with my lack of motivation.

With my Dr's consent I stopped the meds for three months and started Jon Benson's Every Other Day Diet which is good for me as it makes meals very simple. I house share with a friend who is a cook so my evening meal is taken care of most nights. I dropped 4kgs and 5cm from my waist so I feel pretty motivated to keep going. I lost the kilos without doing any exercise at all so I am confident that I can lose at least 10kgs and reshape my body using the TT for fat loss program.

I have also had to go back on my meds so my first 4 weeks will be to test if I can lose fat and tone up while on the meds. If I don't get results I will talk to my doc about changing to something else. I really want to give it a good trial while on the meds because there are a lot of people who are suffering out there and if I can do it then they can too.

So today I went to the gym and rode a bike for 6 minutes, did TT beginers workout and went on the eliptical machine for 3 minutes. I am so not fit but the only exrecise I am not good at is side plank but I can at least get my hip of the ground for a fast count to five.

I am going to a Zumba class tomorrow morning so will report on how I get on.